Cabinet file has become larger than the system limit

In case of huge package, the following error message may appears during the compilation of the MSI: . To solve this problem: Go to “Installation Expert” Then go to the “Media” section Select the “Compress files into external CAB files” for the “Compression Option” and set “Max Media size” to 500 MB

Packaging Certificates

Installing a certificate on a machine can be done by running a CER file or by importing a PFX file. . 1. Install CER File To install a certificate with a CER file implemented in a MSI, the Microsoft tool “certmgr” (Certificate Manager Tool), included in Windows must be used. First snapshot Create a folder … Read more

Packaging Wallpaper

1. Wallpaper Settings To define a wallpaper in Windows, at least 2 elements are needed: An image file (.bmp) A registry key (HKCU) . . 2. MSI Integration The file The wallpaper must be a .bmp file This .bmp file must be located in %windir% (C:\Windows) . The Registry Key The following registry entry allows … Read more

Darwin Descriptor

1. Darwin Descriptor The Darwin Descriptor issue occurs when a MSI is repackaged using snapshot capture. Repackaging a MSI is not the best practice but it’s sometime (very rarely) not possible to create a MST over a MSI. Darwin Descriptor forces the application to pick some information in the original MSI. So, when the MSI … Read more

Register DLL with Wise

1. What is a DLL and why register it? According to Microsoft: “A DLL is a library that contains code and data that can be used by more than one program at the same time. For example, in Windows operating systems, the Comdlg32 DLL performs common dialog box related functions. Therefore, each program can use … Read more

Install and Configure Wise Package Studio (Win 7)

1. Pre-requisite: MSDE On Windows 7, Wise Package Studio can be installed in 2 ways.   First method: the client/server mode. In this case, Wise Package Studio is first installed on a computer in server mode, then clients are installed on packaging machines. This method allows to configure Wise Package Studio only once on the … Read more

Snapshot Capture with Wise

1. Pre-requisites Creating a MSI file using the Snapshot Capture feature of Wise Package Studio requires a clean machine to ensure all the components are captured (a component will not be captured if already present on the machine). To avoid pollution as much as possible, deactivate all components running in background (Defender, Windows Updates, SCCM … Read more

Call VBS From Custom Action with Wise

1. Script Creation Create the VBS script. For example : MyScript.vbs Warning: Wise Package Studio does not recognize Wscript. So the following command: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) Must be written like this: Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) . . 2. Custom Action Creation In Windows Installer Editor Go to the MSI Script menu Select the Installation Mode: … Read more