Managing Active Directory with VBS

The following scripts (VBS) allows play with Active Directory.

It details a way to:

  • Create an Organizational Unit
  • Create a Group in an Organizational Unit
  • Rename a Group
  • List all Groups in an Organizational Unit
  • Create a User in an Organization Unit and assign it to a Group
  • List all members in a Group
  • Delete Users and Groups
  • Delete Organizational Unit


1. CreateOU.vbs

  • Connection to the domain
  • Creation of the Organizational Unit (OU) CH_DAMIEN
    • Creation of the sub-OU CH01
      • Creation of the 2 sub-OU GRP and USR




' That script allows to create the OU "CH_DAMIEN", then the sub-OU "CH01", then the sub-sub-OU "GRP" and "USR"

' Connection to the domain connected to the machine
Set oRoot   = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE") 
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & oRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext"))

' To define manually the connection (for example the domain "")
' Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

Set oCH=oDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=CH_DAMIEN")
oCH.Put "Description", "Damien Test OU" 

Set oCH01=oCH.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=CH01")
oCH01.Put "Description", "Damien Test CH01" 

Set oGRP=oCH01.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=GRP")
oGRP.Put "Description", "Damien Test GRP" 

Set oUSR=oCH01.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=USR")
oUSR.Put "Description", "Damien Test USR" 



2. AddGroup.vbs

  • Creation of the group « DemoGroup » in the OU “GRP”




' That script allows to create the group "DemoGroup" in the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""

On Error Resume Next

' Connection to the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""
Set oGRP = GetObject("LDAP://OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

' Adding the group "DemoGroup" in the OU
Set oGroup = oGRP.Create("Group", "CN=DemoGroup") 
oGroup.Put "sAMAccountName", "DemoGroup" 
oGroup.Put "Description", "Demonstration Group"



3. RenameGroup.vbs

  • Rename the group « DemoGroup » : « NewDemoGroup »




' That script allows renaming the group "DemoGroup" in "NewDemoGroup" in the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""

On Error Resume Next

' Connection to the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""
Set oOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=tets,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

' To rename the group, we move it giving it a new name
oOU.MoveHere "LDAP://CN=DemoGroup,OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=uat01,DC=netsvc,DC=info", "CN=NewDemoGroup"



4. ListGroups.vbs

  • Listing of all groups in the OU « GRP »




' That script allows to list groups in the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""

On Error Resume Next

' Connection to the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""
Set objCH = GetObject("LDAP://OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

' Display of the group list
For Each objGroup in objCH



5. AddUser.vbs

  • Creation of the user « DemoUser » in the OU « USR »




  • Assignment of the user « DemoUser » as member of the group « NewDemoGroup »




' That script allows to create the User "DemoUser" in the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/USR" of the domain "", then to assign "DemoUser" as member of the group "NewDemoGroup"

' Connection to the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/USR" of the domain ""
Set oUSR = GetObject("LDAP://OU=USR,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

' Adding "DemoUser" in the OU
Set oUser = oUSR.Create("User", "CN=DemoUser") 
oUser.Put "sAMAccountName", "DemoUser" 
oUser.Put "Description", "Demonstration User"
oUser.SetPassword "qwertz00"
oUser.AccountDisabled = False

' Connection to the group "NewDemoGroup" in the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP"
Set oGroup = GetObject("LDAP://CN=NewDemoGroup,OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=uat01,DC=netsvc,DC=info")

' Assign "DemoUser" as member of the group "NewDemoGroup"
oGroup.Add oUser.ADSPath



6. ListGroupMembers.vbs

  • Listing of all members of the group « NewDemoGroup »




' That script allows to list members of the group "NewDemoGroup" of the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""

On Error Resume Next

' Connection to the group "NewDemoGroup" of the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""
Set objGRP = GetObject("LDAP://CN=NewDemoGroup,OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")

' list the members of the group "NewDemoGroup"(we display only the CN)
arrMemberOf = objGRP.GetEx("member")
For Each strMember in arrMemberOf
	PosEqual = InStr(1, strMember, "=", 1)
	strMemberUser = Mid(strMember, (PosEqual+1))
	PosComa = InStr(1, strMemberUser, ",", 1)
	strMemberUser = Left(strMemberUser, PosComa - 1)


7. DeleteUserAndGroup.vbs

  • Delete the user « DemoUser »
  • Delete the group « NewDemoGroup »


' That script allows to delete the User "DemoUser" from the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/USR" of the domain ""
' Then deleting the group "NewDemoGroup" from the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP"

On Error Resume Next

' Deleting "DemoUser" from the OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/USR" of the domain ""
Set oUSR = GetObject("LDAP://OU=USR,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=uat01,DC=netsvc,DC=info")
oUSR.Delete "User", "CN=DemoUser"

' Deleting "NewDemoGroup" from OU "CH_DAMIEN/CH01/GRP" of the domain ""
Set oGRP = GetObject("LDAP://OU=GRP,OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=uat01,DC=netsvc,DC=info")
oGRP.Delete "Group", "CN=NewDemoGroup"



8. DeletOU.vbs

  • Delete the ou « USR »
  • Delete the ou « GRP »
  • Delete the ou « CH01 »
  • Delete the ou « CH_DAMIEN »


' That script allows to delete the OU CH_DAMIEN and its sub-OU from the domain ""

On Error Resume Next

'Delete OU USR
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")
oDomain.Delete "organizationalUnit", "OU=USR"

'Delete OU GRP
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://OU=CH01,OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")
oDomain.Delete "organizationalUnit", "OU=GRP"

'Delete OU CH01
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://OU=CH_DAMIEN,DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")
oDomain.Delete "organizationalUnit", "OU=CH01"

Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=test,DC=netsrv,DC=info")
oDomain.Delete "organizationalUnit", "OU=CH_DAMIEN"